President's Message

Welcome to the Utah Defense Lawyers Association. I and the other members of the Board of Directors look forward to serving and working with you throughout the coming year.UDLA is one of many state/local organizational affiliates of The Defense Research Institute (DRI). Our relationship with DRI connects us with a national network of defense attorneys and in-house counsel and provides us with access to superior CLE offerings and other valuable resources. Those of you who attended UDLA’s 2022 Annual CLE Conference at Grand America likely recognized that the caliber of that program and speakers is due in large part to DRI’s support. I urge you to visit the DRI web site at to get acquainted or reacquainted with all that organization has to offer. If you have never been a member of DRI and would like to join, you should know that your UDLA membership allows you to take advantage of a free one year DRI membership. Please let me or any other board member know if you would like additional information on this offering.In response to the global pandemic, UDLA will continue to offer both in-person and virtual CLE programs on a variety of topics of interest to the UDLA members so that all members can safely and effectively participate. UDLA welcomes your input, suggestions, and ideas regarding specific topics that would be of interest to you for future CLE or other UDLA events. I sincerely encourage you to take advantage of these educational and networking opportunities to meet with other UDLA members and discuss pertinent defense topics. While the UDLA Board is always exploring new ways to engage our members, we remain committed to our core functions. On that note, the Board will continue to monitor the activities of the Utah legislature and judiciary and promptly communicate any pertinent defense-related developments to our members. We will also continue to provide a member's forum for purposes of sharing information, ideas, and victories, and to be used as a platform for launching the efforts necessary to achieve our shared goals. Sincerely, Samantha E. Wilcox, UDLA President