UDLA CLE Luncheon
Caffe Molise 404 S. West Temple

Please join us for an in person CLE at the delicious Caffé Molise on Thursday December 2nd at 12 PM when Richard Glauser and Joseph Minnock will present on "Punitive Damages" This CLE will be covering Punitive Damages in relation to coverage issues, consitutional issues, standards in punitive damages cases, motions for summary judgement, countering creative lawyering, asset protection and more. This hour will be jam packed with great information, and wonderful food. Register today!
1 hour CLE . Lunch included with registration. Please contact us with any dietary restrictions or concerns.
Registration Fees:
$30 for UDLA members
$40 for non-members
This seminar will apply for 1 hour of CLE credit with the Utah State Bar. Register and pay online or contact Michelle Barrus for alternate registration options at udlaxd@gmail.com. Checks can be sent to PO Box 91066, Salt Lake City, UT 84109